Providing Reserve Studies to 900+ Clients Since 2005
What Is a Reserve Study?
A Reserve Study is a tool which anticipates major common area repair and replacement expenses and develops a prudent Reserve Funding Plan to pay for these expenses. By using meticulous research and analysis together with proven methodologies, a professional Reserve Study provides condominium associations with valuable budget planning information, and guidance on upcoming long-term maintenance and repairs.
A Reserve Study consists of two major components:
Physical Analysis
Component Inventory and Quantity; based on a comprehensive review of your governing documents and collaboration with your board of directors
Assessment of Component Condition; based on an on-site review and interviews with your vendors
Estimate of Useful Life and Remaining Useful Life; based on national benchmarks and our in-house database
Financial Analysis
Current Reserve Fund Status; based on our review of your current balance sheet and operating budget
Recommended Funding Plan; customized to your unique financial situation